Friday, July 17, 2015

Hidden Valley Park in Henry County - Security needed in Ellenwood park

I've recently started going to Hidden Valley Park with my dogs for walks in July 2015. I live just a few miles away from the Henry County Georgia park but started going to it when I noticed the shaded walking trail. The .25 mile trail is paved and is shaded almost entirely during the summer.

Henry County parks are dog friend. Just a brief description of Hidden Valley park and then I will tell you my issues:
white cup that has been in the same place for 16 days

  • 9 baseball fields.
  • Senior center when you drive in - not sure if this is part of the park but usually a lot of people at the senior center.
  • 4 tennis counts. I checked and all the nets were up and see people playing occasionally on Sunday mornings. 
  • 2 pavilions. I've never seen anyone using the pavilions. 
  • .25 mile paved walking/running track.  In the summer months in Georgia when it is 90 plus degrees, the shade is wonderful.
Here is my complain I made to the Henry County Commissioner Bruce Holmes on July 15, 2015 via email:

Since July 1, 2015, I have been to the park and specifically the paved walking track on 6 occasions. On those visits, I take my two dogs.  When walking around the track it is littered with trash. I noticed the abundance of trash and took pictures on 7/1.  One thing that stood out was a white styrofoam cup sitting 2 feet from the trail.  Also the restroom by the track were locked.  

After six visits and taking pictures on four of those visits, I figured an email was in order. Just  to be clear the trash was never picked up and the restrooms were never open during my 15 days period of visiting the park. 

What upsets me is how nice the park could be. Close by is Clark Community Park where numerous people go but you can't take your dogs on their walking trail. The trail at Clark Community Park is also mainly in the sun.
I don't understand why Hidden Valley Park's pavilions can't be cleaned and the restrooms opened.  We also need the police to come by. As my wife said, "No way I would walk this path alone." She is right. There was never anyone else around if you look at my photos. It would be very easy for the Henry County police to ride their motorcycles through the trail. It is paved. Maybe it is a safety issue and that is why I don't see anyone else at the park.  

So my suggestions are:
  1. Clean up the trash.
  2. Open the restrooms.
  3. Have the police patrol the trail.

Update - July 17 and July 19, 2015
  • July 17th - The Henry County Parks and Recreation department email me and said the restrooms can't be left open due to vandalism.
  • July 19th - I called the Henry County police "non-emergency" number when I was at the park. They said they can't do anything about the vandalism and they could not ride their motorcycles through the trail. I've owned a Honda Goldwing and a Honda Valkyrie. I know you can ride a motorcycle through those trails. The trails are paved and free of debris. 

My Recommendations:
  1. If you don't have dogs, go to either Clark Community Park in the City of Stockbridge. Clean park with paved walking trail, and restrooms are open. Police patrol the park.  5.9 Miles from Hidden Valley Park
  2. If you have dogs, go to Rockdale County's "South Rockdale Community Park". Bike trails, walking, restrooms, horses allowed, and very clean.  
More trash at Hidden Valley Park
Pavilion - Restroom are always locked

No one is at the park - not safe on the trail for females

Another day - no one at the trail

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